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Drum mowers

Drum mowers 25. 4. 2014

We specialize in production of drum mowers since 1997. Since then, VARI drum mowers passed through a long technical process of development – they follow strict EU limits and belong to the top products on the market nowadays.

There are many elements which do VARI drum mowers so unique. At the first place, it is the revolutionary construction of the double cutting drum which, due to the reinforced edges, absorbs hits and is much more resistible against deformation. There are four pivoted blades mounted under the angle of 3°, which hitting an obstacle hide inside thus are not damaged. The cutting mechanism is equipped with the safety brake, which stops the disc within five seconds.

VARI drum mowers have robust, damage resistant construction, easy and intuitive controls, and independent switching of wheel and blade drives. They are lightweight and well balanced not only for the work on flat ground, but even in the hills where they don’t overturn back to the handlebars (common disadvantage of the competition machines). All mowers are provided with the side screen, due which is the grass laid into the rows prepared to be easily raked. All VARI drum mowers are powered with the latest HONDA or Briggs&Stratton engines with big power and high torque, which are the most important parameters for mowing of high and dense grass.

The combination of mentioned constructional and safety elements, powerful engine and highly effective drive, which you don’t have to help up the hill, well-advised cover, and perfect protection of the user, ranges VARI drum mowers on the top in their category.

VARI, a.s. overruns other producers due to own unique construction of the machines.